Smart Small Sustainable House Being Built

Jun 05, 2013 Comments Off on Smart Small Sustainable House Being Built by

Chris and Larry helped me start my Smart, Small, Sustainable House (aka “Tiny House”) in Conroe, TX. This is the first Metal Clad Structural Insulated Panel used to build a tiny house…and here’s why?

1. Each panel is structurally strong. It is designed to not only provide excellent insulation properties but also provide integrity to the structure. (I used to build full size houses out of SSIPs)

2. Each 4″ thick panel provides an insulation of R 4.25 per inch. You do the math….4″ x 4.25 =R-17 in the walls.  The roof panels are 6″ and  provide 6″ x 4.25 = R-25.5. In addition, I am building with Insuladd which is a NASA Shuttle developed coating used to provide a barrier to heat. Insuladd is used primarily in Industrial coatings to insulate against heat loss.

3. Several people, including an HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) contractor have commented on how these panels provide a superior insulation to how tiny houses and RVs are constructed.

4. See for yourself…here are some pics…

Tiny House

Back wall of Tiny House using SSIPs

Tiny House

Front wall and high side wall using SSIPs in Tiny House

Back wall of Tiny House using SSIPs


Front wall and high side wall using SSIPs in Tiny House

About the author

Someone asked me to describe my life in 6 words or phrases, so here goes... Heaven sent, Husband, Home Builder, Entrepreneur, Energetic, Ever Hopeful I want to make a difference in people's lives, not in things. The tiny house movement reflects a counterbalance to consumerism, resource depletion, and a more "centered life" focused not on things but people and joyful relationships. Nobody on their death bed asks for their stuff to be brought in, they want to see people that they love and share that love before they pass into eternity.
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